Introduction. Adobe Flash (now Adobe Animate) is a multimedia authoring application released by Adobe Systems as version 2 in July 1997.
Flash cs6. Up to speed in Flash CS6, learn important tips and tricks to get more out of Adobe Animate. how do I add a new layer to a program already running. – Adobe Flash Professional Creative Cloud SDK Guide. The Dynamic Link Interface (DLI) allows a computer program to use information stored on a disk or network shared by another program. Adobe CS6: Mac OSX + Windows on GOV.UK. How to use the Dynamic Link Interface (DLI) – Duration: 2:56.
You can easily access the dynamic link interface (DLI) menu and information on a disk or network shared by another program from a computer program, an application, or a page you've created. Get More Info. The Dynamic Link Interface is an important part of how Flash programming works. It allows a computer program to read information about a disk or network shared by another program.Q:
What is the best way to get the end of the week in Python?
I am trying to get the end of the week from a date. I am using
import datetime
df = pd.read_csv('C:/Users/Adriana/Desktop/DF.csv')
df['Week End'] = df.apply(lambda row: str(datetime.date.today().isocalendar()[1] - row['date'].isocalendar()[1]), axis = 1)
But it is not working.
And I keep getting this error:
TypeError: 'Timestamp' object is not callable
I have tried changing the date from datetime.date.today() to datetime.date()
After your clarification I understood you want something like:
import pandas as pd
# read file with csv data
df = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/Adriana/Desktop/DF.csv", parse_dates=["date"])
# convert date column to datetime
df["date"] =
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